I’m following Deno
development with great interest, some of which is professional and some, well… I guess it’s
the sheer joy of discovering something so neat, yet unsullied by compromise and legacy concerns.
I’m following Deno
development with great interest, some of which is professional and some, well… I guess it’s
the sheer joy of discovering something so neat, yet unsullied by compromise and legacy concerns.
A good practice is to ditch your existing .emacs.d/init.el
every now
and then. Start over with a fresh file and add back the stuff you
really need, when you need it.
My amqp egg got accepted into the main Chicken Scheme coop, so there is now a proper 1.0.0 release available for download.
I’ve been hacking a lot of Scheme lately. It’s a wonderful language that actually makes me happy to work in. One of the things I’ve been working on is an AMQP client for Chicken Scheme. Enjoy!
I thought I landed on Regolith for daily use, but the Cinnamon Desktop keeps dragging me back. It’s just so darn neat. I like how sensible most of the defaults are, how snappy the Software Manager is and that I don’t have to jump through a lot of hoops to be able to install FlatPaks. Linux Mint feels like a proper OS; something that’s just not patched toghether from a disparate code bases from across the internet.
More …One day I noticed that my MacBook wouldn’t lay flat on the table. That’s weird. I did some research, and it turned out that my battery was swollen, and I needed to replace my machine ASAP or horrible things would happen.
More …I finally managed to hook up org-babel
to an MS SQL server, albeit
in a roundabout way. The key is to use the dbi
engine and let Perl
do the heavy lifting. I’m documenting my work here for posterity.
This hack by Ivan Kryukov to add smooth buffer transitions is pretty cool.
I remember when GMail was cool. If you managed to snag an invite you got a whooping 1GB of storage, which was amazing for its time, and it pretty much solved the spam problem once and for all. Google was a different company back then, and could seemingly do no wrong.
More …I’m continually suprised by the lack of good SQL support in Emacs org-mode. In theory it should be possible to set up, but every time I’ve tried I’ve just given up after wasting half a day of work on it.