Moving to Linux: some notes

I thought I landed on Regolith for daily use, but the Cinnamon Desktop keeps dragging me back. It’s just so darn neat. I like how sensible most of the defaults are, how snappy the Software Manager is and that I don’t have to jump through a lot of hoops to be able to install FlatPaks. Linux Mint feels like a proper OS; something that’s just not patched toghether from a disparate code bases from across the internet.

That said, there were a couple of minor things that bugged me:

  • Neither Mint or Regolith were able to find my Pixma MG6150 printer by default, although XSane had no problems scanning documents. The fix was to install the cups-backend-bjnp package, and then everything just worked.
  • Emacs didn’t display color emojis correctly until i recompiled with --with-cairo and added this line to my init.el:
    (set-fontset-font t 'symbol "Noto Color Emoji" nil 'append)
  • Bluetooth is kinda meh. I can pair with my wireless headphones pretty easily, but can’t use it for input and output at the same time. Re-connecting the headphones after I’ve used them with my mobile is a hassle. As a result I tend use my phone for video conferencing.
  • There is something off with the touchpad. I can’t quite put my finger on it (heh), but the one I had on the MacBook was very precise, and this one is not. Maybe it’s a calibration thing; I’ll see if I can work it out.