Loot — 6 of 26

Fredrik Appelberg

Release 1

Section - Breaking things

A thing can be breakable. A thing can be broken. Things are usually not broken.

A thing has an object called the broken form. The broken form of a thing is usually nothing.

Check attacking something broken: say "It's already broken." instead.

Check attacking something not breakable: say "Violence isn't the answer to this one." instead.

Carry out attacking something breakable (called the thing):

if the broken form of the thing is not nothing:

now the broken form of the thing is in the location of the thing;

now the broken form of the thing is broken;

now the thing is off-stage;

now the thing is broken.

Carry out attacking something (called the container) hiding something (called the treasure):

now the treasure is in the location of the player.

Report attacking something breakable (called the thing):

say "You smash [the thing] [one of]good[or]with extreme prejudice[or]viciously[or]to bits[at random]."

Report attacking something (called the container) hiding something (called the treasure):

say "You smash [the container]. Oooh! Looks like [a treasure] [if the treasure is plural-named]were[otherwise]was[end if] hidden within.";

stop the action.

The block attacking rule is not listed in the check attacking rules.